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Showing posts with label Unlabelled. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2023

6th generation fighter jets

6th generation fighter jets

6th Generation Fighter Jets - While America's fifth-generation F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jets are still rolling off the production line and being deployed around the world, work has already begun on a futuristic sixth-generation fighter, an aircraft that could enhance stealth and drone capabilities. companions, increased AI, and even the ability to heal themselves when damaged.

Welcome back to Left of Boom. I'm your host, Managing Editor Hope Hodge Sec. Late last year, a senior Air Force official acknowledged that the service had secretly built and flown a prototype for a future fighter jet. As the US continues to build its first fifth-generation fighter, the F-35, speculation abounds about what comes next. At least a dozen countries are now in the working stages of developing a sixth-generation fighter, although experts continue to debate what exactly "sixth generation" means. A few things seem clear: the airplane of the future will be smarter and get more assistance from drones, while still having a pilot in the cockpit. To give us more information about the future of combat warfare. We're joined by Richard Aboulafia, vice president of analytics at Teal Group. He is one of the leading voices in aviation and his columns appear regularly in Aviation Week and Richard Aboulafia, welcome to the show.

6th Generation Fighter Jets

6th Generation Fighter Jets

So let's start with a very basic question. I think many people have heard of fourth, fifth and now sixth generation fighter jets. Can you read what the defining features of the sixth generation fighter are? And also what are the key characteristics of previous advanced generations?

Top Sixth Generation Fighter Jets

Well, I'll let you know when we get there. right I mean it's, you know, we loosely define generations of fighter jets designed over the years. And, you know, there were so many, I guess, stretch breaks, if you will, between generations, and the first generation wasn't even supersonic at the end of the day, you know, so look what came. conditions of major enablers and technology over the years. Whether it's precision radars capable of hitting beyond visual range, air-to-air missiles, better electronic warfare systems, you know, radars, graduated to airborne and electronically digitized antennas, there's so much. The fifth generation, you know, can be characterized by some degree of stealth, maybe not all aspects of stealth, but low-observability, integrated sensor fusion that allows pilots to have a much better idea of ​​what's going on around them on the battlefield field. Fully integrated EW systems, of course, that respond to a range of threats. And several other enablers, those are the main ones. It's kind of, almost a way to define the market to some extent. And, as a result, it's kind of a curiosity, the only production fifth generation aircraft were the F 22 and the F-35. Everything else was fourth generation. But given the number of building blocks and subsystems associated with the fifth generation, which will be called Generation 4.5, that certainly blurs the lines even more.

If I were Michael Scott asking, "Tell me what it's like to be five years old," then you had to give a 4th, 5th, 6th sentence, how would you sum it up?

Technological trenches were introduced, and the fifth is mainly characterized by low visibility. And by having a lot of data, a lot of internal and external sensors, all the data feeds back to the pilot to give him a very clear picture of the battlefield of the threat environment.

Understood It is helpful. Thank you. So I think I saw that 12 countries have now announced that they are working on developing a sixth generation fighter, including some of our favorite rivals and friends from the superpower competition. Which nations do you think are the most advanced in development right now? And how is that progress they are making?

Gcap: Japan, Britain And Italy Team Up To Build Sixth Generation Fighter Jet

Well, you know, there are big questions about what constitutes that sixth generation. And, you know, first of all, you have to start with the fifth generation as a basic, your main building block. That, of course, means that the US will have this huge advantage, as it is the only country that has actually built a true fifth-generation aircraft. Now, what makes up the sixth generation in addition to everything that people didn't build in the fifth generation, because they only built generation 4 or generation 4.5. Also, you know, probably one of the biggest enablers is just going to be hyper-connectivity, just everything is connected. There are systems, other nodes on the battlefield, other sensors from board to board, all connected at ultra-fast speeds, which will be a critical part. Another thing that appears to be very desirable is basically greater degrees of human-machine teamwork. And that means Loyal Wingman type systems. And the pilot's ability to control the attached systems around him. That means Skyborg, Loyal Wingman or whatever air force unites Australia, one of the systems being set up. And that will be a key enabling technology because it also uses artificial intelligence. You know, there's not much a pilot can do with a pilot with a bunch of systems attached. Unless, of course, those hydraulic systems have a level of combat autonomy. So AI will be key there. A key aspect of the sixth generation may be a kind of way to fix the boundaries of the fifth generation primary plan. The F-35 in terms of sensor fusion was absolutely brilliant. In terms of stealth, a pretty impressive achievement, mission-wise. But as an air vehicle, a bit disappointing compared to the F-22. The joke was that the F-22 was an incredible air vehicle in search of a good suite of equipment for the mission. And the F-35 is an incredible suite of mission equipment in search of a good air vehicle. You know, so if you can match the traditional metrics of climb time, speed, payload, range, all those other things with fifth generation mission equipment, maybe that sixth generation really depends on your definition.

It's interesting. Well, there's a lot to unpack there. And so I'll take it piece by piece, but let's talk stealthily. First of all, there are many misconceptions about what is and what is not stealth, especially when it comes to F=35. Can you kind of give a primer and talk about what stealth is, how to understand it, and what stealth features we might see on the 6th generation platform?

Yeah, and there were a ton of misunderstandings about stealth, apparently. To the vast majority of the public, it's seen as a cover-up device for Romula, including Donald Trump's legendary moment where he says stealth means you can't see, you know, a big moment in aerospace politics. It actually just means that you want to be seen as second. That's what it comes down to. And, of course, the traditional model of air-to-air combat, which means that frontal stealth is the most important thing for a fighter. Maybe you're using your fighter to penetrate enemy airspace for a strike mission, in which case stealth from all aspects would be good, but that's not a priority, right, priority comes second, so you get the first shot and you it can kill the other before it kills you. Now, when it comes to penetrating stealth, as in, say, the B-21, the successor to the B-2 bomber, stealth in every aspect is much more important, because it's not an airplane that will be. shooting at other aircraft. It's a plane that's going to penetrate the airspace, you know, take out some high-value target. But with fighters, stealth, low visibility. It's more frontal, and it means it's seen as a second, and it can appear in terms of hull shape, it can appear in terms of emissions. You know, there are a lot of different metrics by which we measure stealth.

6th Generation Fighter Jets

So you mentioned the Loyal Wingman, what's the main idea behind that concept? And in the future do we foresee, well, all manned fighters having an unmanned sidekick, like R2-D2?

U.s. Air Force Mulling Prospects For Sixth Generation Fighter Jets

Well, you know, it's easy to overestimate the rate at which fancy and impressive new technologies are being developed, right? History tells us that, you know, oh, in five to ten years, everything will be different. Most likely, this kind of technology will be the story of 2040, maybe even 2050. But the potential is very impressive. And just what it looks like, you know, the ability to have companion drones that are also recording and detecting and what else is going on with you. And obviously, that massively corrects the quantitative disadvantage in some theaters. You read The Pacific, right? You know, I mean, obviously, deployability is a huge issue, you can only have a few airlines and a few air bases. And if you're in conflict with a similar or nearly similar adversary, and that's their geographic territory, you better have the ability to

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6th generation jet fighter

6th generation jet fighter

6th Generation Jet Fighter - While America's fifth-generation F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jets are still rolling off the production line and being deployed around the world, work has already begun on the future's sixth-generation fighter - an aircraft that can increase stealth, a drone. partners, develop artificial intelligence and self-healing abilities.

Welcome back to Left Boom. I'm your host, Editor-in-Chief Hope Hodge Seck. Late last year, a senior Air Force official admitted that the service was secretly building and flying a prototype of a future fighter jet. Even as the United States continues to produce its first fifth-generation fighter, the F-35, there is plenty of speculation about what's to come. At least a dozen countries are now in some phase of work on developing a sixth-generation fighter jet - although experts continue to debate exactly what "sixth generation" means. A few things seem clear: the airplane of the future will be smarter and have more help from drones, and it will always have a pilot in the cockpit. Gives us more insight into the future of martial arts. We're joined by Richard Aboulafia, Vice President of Analytics and Teal Group. He is one of the leading voices in aviation, and his columns appear regularly in Aviation Week and Richard Aboulafia, welcome to the show.

6th Generation Jet Fighter

6th Generation Jet Fighter

So let's start with a basic question. I think most people have heard of fourth generation, fifth generation and now sixth generation fighter jets. Can you go through the signs that describe the sixth stroke? And what are the main characteristics of previous generations?

Tempest Sixth Generation Fighter To Get Blistering New Radar Technology

Okay, I'll let you know when we get there. Right. I mean, you know, we kind of loosely describe the generations of fighters that have been designed over the years. And you know, there's been a lot of, I think, trench-breaking, if you will, between the generations, and the first generation didn't have supersonic at the end of the day, you know, so you look at what came. in terms of advanced equipment and technology over the years. Whether it's precision radars that can shoot beyond visual range, air-to-air missiles, better electronic warfare systems, you know, radars, air-to-air, electronically scanned array antennas, there's a lot. The fifth generation, you know, you can generally characterize as having some level of technology, maybe not all aspects, but low visibility, integrated sensor integration that allows pilots to have a much better view of what's going on around those on the battlefield. Fully integrated EW systems naturally respond to a variety of threats. And many other useful ones, these are the main ones. It is almost a way of describing the marketplace to a certain extent. And because of that, it's kind of weird, the only fifth generation aircraft that ever was the F 22 and the F-35. Everything else was fourth generation. But given the number of building blocks and subsystems attached to the fifth generation, which will be called generation 4.5, which of course can further combine the lines.

If I were Michael Scott, I asked, "tell me like I'm five," then you had to give one sentence, 4th, 5th, 6th, how would you cook it?

There have been streams of technology that have been introduced, and the fifth is characterized by low visibility. And to have a lot of data, a lot of offboard and onboard sensors, all the data to send to the pilot to give him a clear picture of the combat environment.

Understood. It is useful. Thank you. So I think I saw that 12 countries have now announced that they are working on developing a sixth generation fighter, including some of our favorite superpower competitors and friends. Which nations do you think are furthest from development at present? And what does that progress look like?

Northrop's 6th Generation Fighter At The Nevada National Security Site ??!

Well, you know, there are big questions about what constitutes the sixth generation. And you know, first of all, you have to start with the fifth generation as your foundation, your first building block. Of course, this means that the US will have a huge advantage because it is the only country that has ever built a fifth-generation aircraft. What does the sixth generation do apart from everything in the fifth generation, people are not attracted to because they only build generation 4 or generation 4.5. On top of that, you probably know that one of the biggest tools will be high connectivity, everything is connected. There are systems, some parts on the battlefield, some off-board sensors, all connected at high speeds, will be the main part of it. Another thing that seems to be very desirable is fundamentally higher levels of human-machine interaction. And that means Loyal Wingman type programs. As well as the pilot's ability to control the integrated systems around him. It means Skyborg, Loyal Wingman, or what is airpower that goes with Australia, one of the programs that are launched. And it will be an important enabling technology because it also uses artificial intelligence. You know, a single pilot can't do much with a bunch of integration systems. Unless, of course, these hydraulic systems are given a level of wartime independence. So artificial intelligence will be key there. Another key aspect of the 6th generation may be a way to address the limitations of the original fifth generation plan. The F-35 in terms of sensor fusion was absolutely brilliant. Professional, impressive achievements, related to work. But as an aircraft it is a low type, related to the F-22. The joke was that the F-22 is a great aircraft looking for a good package of mission equipment. And the F-35 is a great mission equipment package in search of a great aircraft. You know, so if you can recalibrate the traditional metrics of climb time, speed, payload, range, all that fifth mission equipment stuff, maybe the sixth generation really depends on your definition.

It is interesting. Well, there's a lot to unpack there. So I'll take it piece by piece, but let's talk about technology. Firstly, there are many misconceptions about it - what is and is not a scam, especially regarding F=35. Can you kind of give some background and talk about what stealth is, how to understand it, and what subtle features we might see in platform six?

Yes, and of course there are a lot of misconceptions about the technology. For most of the public, it's seen as a Romulan wearable, including Donald Trump's story where he says the technology means it can't be seen, you know, the big moment, in the relationship between politics and space. In fact, it just means that you want to see each other another time. That's what it comes down to. And of course, the traditional pattern of air-to-air combat means that frontline skills are very important in combat. You might use your fighter to enter enemy airspace on a strike mission, in which case everything involved would be great, but that's not the main thing, isn't it, the main thing is seen another time, so you get your first shot, and you must kill someone else before you kill yourself. Now when it comes to penetration technology, as for example in the B-21, the follow-up to the B-2 bomber, all the secret relationships are very important, because it's not the plane that becomes it. shooting at other aircraft. It's a plane going into airspace, you know, take a high value target. But with fighter jets, technology, low visibility. It's more forward and it means second view and it can be seen in the shape of the airframe, it can be seen in the form of emissions. You know, there are many different metrics by which we measure technology.

6th Generation Jet Fighter

Loyal Wingman explained what is the main idea behind this idea? And in the future, do we foresee all hand-to-hand fighters having a sidekick who is unmanned, like R2-D2?

Future Ngad Fighter Jets Could Cost 'hundreds Of Millions' Apiece

Well, you know it's easy to get overwhelmed by the speed at which shiny and impressive new technology is being developed, right? History tells us that you know, oh, five to 10 years, everything will be different. It is possible that this kind of technology is the story of 2040, maybe even 2050. But the power is so amazing. And that's exactly what it feels like, you know, to be able to have assistant drones that shoot and sense and whatever else works with you. And that naturally solves the size limitation in some cinemas. Read the Pacific, right? You know, I mean obviously delivery is a big issue, you can have a couple of carriers and a couple of air bases. And if you're in conflict with peers or a near enemy and it's their home, you better have the strength to do it.

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7th generation fighter jet

7th generation fighter jet

7th Generation Fighter Jet - Even though its 5th radar-evading fighter is still under development, Russia has already started working on the 6th and 7th fighter jets.

The Sukhoi Design Agency has prepared the first sketches of Russia's sixth-generation fighter jets, TASS reported last week.

7th Generation Fighter Jet

7th Generation Fighter Jet

"I mean the new design ideas that were presented in brief by the Sukhoi Design Office and the chief designer assigned to all the aircraft systems and weapons [...] They really came up with the projects to create the fighter of the century Six. ", Deputy Prime Minister of Moscow Dmitry Rogozin said at a press conference.

Russia Unveils New Stealth Fighter That Can Fly Nearly Twice The Speed Of Sound

So, while the T-50 PAK-FA, the first of the 5th generation of stealth, is still in development (the future of which is still unknown due to the state of the Russian economy), Moscow has started working on its replacement , even if No. More details have been revealed about the technologies that will be implemented in the new types of aircraft.

There is reason to believe that Russia's sixth-generation concept will be quite different from the US Air Force's upcoming F-X, which will replace the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and which was recently upgraded 'a in the Northrop Grumman business: "Sukhoi" can build the 6th generation based on the PAK-FA and develop the design in years similar to what they did with the Su-27 and the subsequent Flanker variant to the Su- 35S.

This means that due to the modern design of the PAK-FA, it will definitely be a 5++ generation and form the basis of Russia's 6th generation fighter.

Among the most interesting developments on the PAK-FA map is the upcoming photonics-based radar, which was announced by the Russian government-owned Russian Electronic Radio Corporation (KRET) in December 2015, with a detailed operational plan that expected to come to an end. annual. 2018 year.

Russia Is Developing 6th Gen Fighter Akin To Us Ngad; Will Be Based On Su 57 Jet In Manned & Unmanned Versions

Ultra-broadband radar with radio-optical phased grating operation (known by the Russian abbreviation ROFAR) will be half the size of a regular radar and will allow to actually receive a "3D television image at a distance of up to 400 kilometers."

Given the range of the radar, the ROFAR would be almost impossible to put under the hood, at least on paper.

However, such a strong claim should be supported by facts: unlike the United States, which operates 5th generation aircraft (F-22 and, more or less, F-35) and radar electronic devices (AESA). for many years, until now, Russia has not been able to control the next generation aircraft, or the AESA radar system (both are still in the experimental phase).

7th Generation Fighter Jet

David Cenciotti is a journalist from Rome, Italy. He is the founder and editor of The Aviationist, one of the most popular and widely read military websites in the world. Since 1996, he has written for major international magazines, including Air Force Monthly, Warplane, etc., covering aviation, defense, war, industry, intelligence, crime and cyber warfare. . He has reported from the US, Europe, Australia and Syria and flown several fighter jets of various air forces. He is a former 2nd lieutenant in the Italian Air Force, a private pilot and a graduate of computer engineering. He has written five books and contributed to many others.

Sukhoi Su 57

Sukhoi has started mass production of the Su-57, and in the meantime, let's see what we know about Russia's 5th fighter jet.

The first aircraft will be delivered at the end of 2019. On July 29, 2019, in a press release quoted by TASS, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said that the Sukhoi […]

The Tu-22 warplanes flew from Russia, accompanied by warplanes in Syria, to attack the places where ISIS terrorists are attacking in Syria (using bombs that do not have root). Tupolev Tu-22M3 heavy bombers of the Russian Air Force (NATO name "Backfire C") flew directly from Mazdok, [...]

Finland's Ministry of Defense has released a photo of a Russian Flanker submarine with weapons that may have violated Finnish airspace. Over the past few years, we have reported several encounters between Russia and NATO […]

Air Force Announces Ngad Fighter Will Be Fast Tracked Into Service

Email us at sales@ if you want to support this site by purchasing original patches that are only available through this site! Can we expect a seventh generation fighter? - There is a lot of talk about the "fifth generation" modern jet aircraft, especially about the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. It is actually a fifth-generation fighter after the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, which was created as part of the Air Force's Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) program, which began in the 1980s. The F-22 entered service in 2005 - sixty years after the end of World War II.

In fact, the name "generation" of our current aircraft is based on the warbirds that were built after this conflict. Although the names were only created in the past, the United States Air Force has broken down the ability to design different generations:

- Fourth generation: High mobility, a degree of sensor integration, pulse doppler radar, signature radar, fly by wire, check/launch missiles, and more.

7th Generation Fighter Jet

The matter has become more difficult to see how the fourth generation planes continue to improve, they are divided into other generations which include the four and the four and the four and the old; while some modern fourth-generation aircraft even include some fifth-generation capabilities.

Makichuk: Us, China In Race To Produce A Sixth Gen Fighter

As seen, the development of the fifth generation was carried out a long time ago - since the ATF program of 1980. However, many features have been greatly expanded since then.

Therefore, the fifth generation aircraft is best described as having stealth, low probability of interception radar (LPIR), flexible airframes with supercruise characteristics, advanced flight functions, and computer systems. highly integrated with the ability to communicate with other objects in it. battlefield for situational awareness and C3 capabilities (command, control, and communications).

The current F-35 is the best example of a fifth-generation aircraft and can be described as a flying computer because it has more software than any other fighter jet with seven million lines of code on board and other lines of code. seven million in the plane. national support system. The F-35 is expected to remain operational until the 2070s.

At the moment, efforts are being made to build future fighter jets, where the United States, Japan, Russia, Great Britain, Sweden, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, China, and India are currently working on the sixth. A fighter that could enter service in the mid-to-late 2030s.

S. Korea's Moon Hails Prototype Fighter Jet As 'new Era' Of Defence Independence

Because the effort is still in its early stages, there is no definitive agreement on what exactly defines the sixth-generation fighter, but it will usually involve the development of a humanoid system, which may include a 360-degree head display. artificial intelligence . (AI). ) ability.

Another important aspect of the sixth generation is that the aircraft can be effectively controlled and supported by autonomous drones, which are called "safe huggers". In addition, the ship can be equipped with powerful weapons, including powerful microwaves and lasers, which can be used to counter incoming weapons, but can also be used for malicious purposes.

Although the first aircraft of the sixth generation took shape - including the Air Force's Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) system and the British Air Combat System (FACS), also known as the Tempest; there is an initial guess about what to expect after that.

7th Generation Fighter Jet

Military planners must think beyond what is currently being developed, which is why it was reported earlier in 2016 that Russia is working on a sixth and even seventh fighter. The question is what exactly can be expected from the seventh generation.

F 35 Is Old: Meet The 7th Generation Fighter (it Could Change Everything)

As with previous efforts, each generation has been a huge improvement. The first generation of jet fighters were nothing more than traditional turboprop planes equipped with jet engines, while the second generation took a leap forward with wings, radar and missiles. The third generation provided supersonic aircraft and the ability to fight opponents from the unseen.

The fourth generation greatly expanded its capabilities, but it was the fifth generation that was seen as a major game changer with its ability to integrate and stealth capabilities, but still able to operate in so-called "beast mode" after an attack for the opponents. air defense capabilities are eliminated. The sixth generation could be what produces AI-powered drones to support aircraft, increasing the survival of pilots.

The aircraft will likely be piloted autonomously and possibly controlled by a human operator on the ground far from the battlefield. It is also likely to be capable of hypersonic transport and will be made of materials that increase its stealth.

However, it is possible that air defense technology and advanced missile systems may provide the basis for future fighter development. Instead, we could see a group of drones being launched to destroy air defenses to allow a more persistent attacker to attack the enemy.

Fighter Aircraft 6th Generations By Bagera3005 On Deviantart

Editor-in-chief in 1945, Peter Suchu is a Michigan writer who has worked for more than just magazines, newspapers and websites. He writes regularly on military technology, firearms history, cyber security and world affairs. Peter and yes

Professional Profile: Editor-in-Chief in 1945, Peter Suchu is a Michigan-based writer who has worked for more than four dozen magazines, newspapers and websites from

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Friday, January 13, 2023

7th gen fighter jet

7th gen fighter jet

7th Gen Fighter Jet - Although the 5th generation bomber continues to be developed, Russia has begun work on 6th and 7th generation fighter jets.

The Sukhoi Design Bureau has developed the blueprints for Russia's sixth-generation fighter jet, TASS news agency reported last week.

7th Gen Fighter Jet

7th Gen Fighter Jet

"I'm also talking about the new design concepts that were briefed by the Sukhoi design office and the general manager appointed in all the avionics and weapons systems [..] They really came up with the design for the creation of the sixth generation fighters. In a press conference, Dmitry Rogozin said: "Deputy Prime Minister in Moscow.

Mitsubishi F X

Therefore, although the T-50 PAK-FA, which is the first 5 Gen. stealth fighter, which is still being developed (while the future is still unclear due to the poor state of the Russian economy), Moscow has begun to work on its replacement, although the details about the technology that the new type of aircraft will be equipped with are not presented.

There are reasons to believe that Russia's sixth-generation fighter will be a departure from the US Air Force's F-X Next Generation Air Dominance, which will replace the recently mocked Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor in Northrop Grumman's business: the Sukhoi could be based on Gen.

This means that PAK-FA can be 5++ Gen. Thanks to the planned development based on the Russian 6 Gen.

One of the exciting features of the PAK-FA card upgrade is the upcoming image-based radar, which was announced by the Russian government Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET) in December 2015 and is expected to be ready by the end of 2018.

Th Generation Fighter Hi Res Stock Photography And Images

The ultra-broadband radar with active radio-optical technology (known as ROFAR in Russia) radar will have half the weight of conventional radar and will allow receiving a real "3D TV image". Between 400 kilometers."

Given the performance of the radar, ROFAR is impossible to put together, at least on paper.

However, hope must be supported by reality: unlike the United States, he was working 5 Gen. . test phase).

7th Gen Fighter Jet

David Cenciotti is a journalist based in Rome, Italy. He is the founder and editor of "The Pilot", one of the most popular and widely read websites in the world. Since 1996, he has written for major international magazines, including Air Force Monthly, Fighter Jets, and more, covering aviation, military, war, industry, intelligence, crime and cyber warfare. He has reported from the US, Europe, Australia and Syria, and has flown numerous fighter jets with various military forces. It is Lt. 2 Air Force veterans, private pilot with a degree in Computer Engineering. He has written five books and contributed to many more.

Russia's Already Developing Sixth And Seventh Gen Fighter Jets

Sukhoi begins follow-up with Su-57, Meanwhile let's see what we know about Russia's 5th fighter jet

The first aircraft will be delivered at the end of 2019. On July 29, 2019, in a press release issued by the TASS news agency, Russian Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said that the Sukhoi [...]

Tu-22 bombers take off in Russia and Syria-based fighters to target ISIS terrorist attacks in Syria Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-22M3 (NATO designation "Backfire C") strikes high-flying bombers from Mozdok, [...]

Finland's Ministry of Defense has released a photo of a Russian-made missile that may have breached Finnish airspace. Over the past few years we have published several reports linking Russia and NATO [...]

Us Air Force Just Revealed A First Look At Its New Fighter Jet

Email sales@ if you want to support this site by purchasing the original patch, only available on this site! - There has been a lot of talk about the current "fifth generation" aircraft, especially the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. It is actually the second fifth-generation fighter, after the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, developed as part of the US Air Force's Tactical Fighter program that began in the 1980s. first in 2005 - sixty years after the end of World War II.

In fact, the name "generation" of our modern aircraft is based on the warbirds built after that war. Although the name was actually coined, the United States Air Force has divided its capabilities by generation:

- Fourth generation: Advanced level of performance, level of sensor coordination, level of pulse-doppler radar, reduction of radar signature, wire-to-wire, look-down/shoot down missiles, and more.

7th Gen Fighter Jet

Where the problem is more complicated, is how the fourth plane is being developed, this is divided into generations that include four, four plus, and four plus; while some of the advanced fourth planes even include fifth abilities.

Uk' Sixth Gen Fighter Jet Will Infuse £25 Billion, 20,000 Jobs Into The British Economy, But Can The Country Afford It?

As mentioned, the development of the fifth generation has been a long time coming - starting with the ATF program in the 1980s. However, many of the capabilities have been greatly improved since then.

Therefore, the fifth generation aircraft is defined as stealthy, low-probability radar (LPIR), fast airframes with supercruise performance, advanced flight characteristics, and highly integrated and powerful computer systems. To match the other parts of the interior. Battle to determine the nature and capabilities of C3 (command, control, and communications).

The F-35 is now an example of a fifth-generation aircraft, and it can even be described as a flight computer because it has more software than any other fighter jet, with seven lines of flight code and seven million extra bits. ground support system code. The F-35 is expected to remain operational into the 2070s.

Efforts are currently being made to develop the next generation of aircraft, with the United States, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, China, and India all involved in producing the sixth generation. The fighter could enter service in the mid to late 2030s.

Sweden's Jas 39 Gripen May Be World's Best Non Stealth Fighter Jet

As these forces are still very much in their early stages, there is no definitive agreement on exactly what a sixth-generation fighter will be, but it generally includes a human movement pattern and may include a helmet. It has a 360-degree view, artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced knowledge of the battlefield, air defenses, and aircraft, the increase in the number and range of weapons available (BVR), and advanced digital capabilities and can further demonstrate AI, integration information, cyber warfare, and data-to-action (D2D) capabilities.

An important feature of the sixth generation is that the aircraft can be controlled voluntarily, with the support of drones, the so-called "loyal wing." In addition, the aircraft may be equipped with indirect energy weapons, including high-powered microwaves and lasers that can be used to intercept incoming weapons, but can also be used for attacks.

Although the first six-generation aircraft take shape - including the US Air Force's Next Generation Air Force (NGAD), and the UK-led Future Air Combat System (FACS), also known as the Tempest; there is a sense of foreboding of what to expect next.

7th Gen Fighter Jet

Military planners must consider more than what is in development, which is why even in 2016, it was reported that Russia was working on a sixth generation and a seventh fighter. The question is what to expect from the seventh generation.

Th Gen Fighter Jet Or Ufo: Netizens Spot A Mysterious Aircraft Being Towed Away To A Top Secret Location In California

Based on the efforts of the previous one, each generation has developed more and more. The first generation of fighter jets was little more than a conventional turboprop aircraft fitted with jet engines, while the second generation saw improvements in wingspans, radars, and missiles. The third generation enabled superior aircraft with the ability to engage opponents at greater distances.

The fourth generation greatly improved the abilities, yet it was the fifth generation that emerged as a major game changer with the ability to add stealth capabilities and be able to perform in so-called "beast mode" after enemies. Weather resistance is moderate. The sixth generation of AI-powered drones could be the next generation to complement human-carrying aircraft, increasing aviation safety.

The aircraft can be autonomous and can be controlled by a human controller/operator on the ground away from the fighter. It is also likely to be capable of hypersonic flight and is made of materials that further enhance stealth signals.

However, it is likely that the development of air and missile technology will pave the way for future advancements in warfare. Instead, we could see fleets of unmanned aerial vehicles launched to protect the airspace so that bombers with anti-aircraft capabilities can attack the enemy.

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Editor in Chief 1945, Peter Suciu is a Michigan writer who has contributed to more than a dozen newspapers, magazines and websites. He writes regularly on military equipment, military history, cyber security and international affairs. Peter also a

Professional Health Professionals: Senior Editor 1945, Peter Suciu is a Michigan-based writer who has contributed to more than a dozen newspapers, magazines, and websites.

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7.62 assault rifles

7.62 assault rifles

7.62 Assault Rifles - Rear sight aperture on sliding tang and flip tritium night sight, hooded post forward, sight radius 470 mm

The RK 62 (from Finnish rynnäkkökiväari 62, 'assault rifle 62'), officially 7.62 RK 62 and commercially M62, is an assault rifle produced by Valmet and Sako. It is the standard infantry weapon of the Finnish Defense Forces.

7.62 Assault Rifles

7.62 Assault Rifles

The RK 62 was designed in 1962 and is based on a licensed Polish version of the Soviet AK-47 design. The RK 62 uses the same 7.62×39mm cartridge as the AK-47. Between 1965 and 1994 350,000 M62 rifles were produced jointly by Valmet and Sako. It is the basis of the IMI Galil, an Israeli-made assault rifle with many similarities. The RK 62 has a three-pronged flash suppressor, and a groove for a specially designed knife bayonet, which can be used alone as a combat knife.

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The RK 95 TP is a more modern and improved version of the RK 62. One of the most distinctive features of Valmet rifles, including the M62 and all subsequent variants, is the op-ded three-prong flash suppressor and lug on bayonet. the bottom. In addition to flash suppression, the d can quickly cut through barbed wire by pushing the muzzle into the wire strand and firing a round.

The development of the Finnish assault rifle began in the 1950s. Various foreign models were seen, the Soviet AK-47 being the most important.

The RK 62 was produced in 1960 at the Valmet factory in Tourula and is internally almost a copy of the AK-47. It has a metal butt, plastic handguard and pistol grip but no trigger guard (hopefully it will make it easier to shoot this weapon in the Finnish winter and the soldiers wear warm gloves). The first prototype, modeled closely after the Polish bug made AK, had a stained birch stock. After being tested by the military, the RK 60 was slightly modified (the trigger guard was reversed) and adopted as the 7.62 RK 62.

In August 2015, the Finnish Defense Forces announced that they would gradually modernize their existing RK 62 rifles. The old tube stock and leather sling will be replaced with a telescopic stock and tactical sling. The option to install a top rail for telescopic sights and night vision devices will be added to all firearms; as well as the barrel will get attachmt points for tactical lights and lasers. The upgraded model will be known as the RK 62 M.

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The RK 62 is considered a high-quality variant of the AK-47. The single biggest improvement, apart from the metallurgical quality of the receiver and the overall quality of the barrel, is the sight: most AK variants have a rear sight mounted on a gas piston housing above the receiver. In the Rk62, the rear sight is mounted on the rear cover of the receiver with a tritium illuminated night sight. The sight radius is doubled to the accuracy and matches the CM barrel. Rear sight opening on sliding tang and flip tritium night sight, hooded column forward, sight radius 470 mm.

This feature is mainly in its accuracy, as it can often reach less than a minute of arc.

The pistol uses a "peek" diopter sight, which flips over to reveal a tritium-enhanced rear night sight. The front sight also has a mode for night operation. The gas tube is dovetailed to the front trunnion, and is a single diameter tube, unlike the AK / AKM tube, which has a star-shaped cross-section to guide the piston while allowing vt gas to return. A gas piston has a tooth-shaped ring on the rod, behind the piston head. The diameter of the ring corresponds to the diameter of the tube, and it acts as a guide in the gas tube, notches on the ring so that excess gas can be channeled behind the piston head / guide. This system reduces the number of parts, and simplifies manufacturing and assembly/opening. This design entered IMI Galil. Ports on the shoulder pads allow storing items (eg cleaning kits) on the back of the tube. Size of this preview: 800 × 533 pixels. Other resolutions: 320 × 213 pixels | 640 × 427 pixels 1. 024 × 683 pixels | 1. 280 × 853 pixels | 2,250 × 1,500 pixels.

7.62 Assault Rifles

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I 762 Israeli Assault Rifle By Alexander517 On Deviantart

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aircraft carrier catapult vs ramp

aircraft carrier catapult vs ramp

Aircraft Carrier Catapult Vs Ramp - STOBAR ("short takeoff but recovery recovery" or "short take-off, barrier-arrested recovery") is a system used to launch and recover aircraft from the deck of an aircraft carrier, which includes "short takeoff" elements. and “catapult-assisted take-off but arrest recovery” (CATOBAR) with vertical landing” (STOVL).

The aircraft are launched under their own power using a ski jump to aid take-off (rather than using a catapult). However, aircraft unlike STOVL aircraft are conventional and therefore require an arrester wire to land on a ship. STOBAR system is easier to build than CATOBAR. By 2018

Aircraft Carrier Catapult Vs Ramp

Aircraft Carrier Catapult Vs Ramp

Compared to CATOBAR, STOBAR is less expensive to develop. It is easier to operate than the CATOBAR configuration, which requires a large number of operators to launch the aircraft. The lack of moving parts in ski jumping makes the launch system less expensive to maintain.

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Unlike the catapult, which requires external power from a steam catapult, it does not require an additional system to generate the power needed to launch the aircraft.

A major limitation of the STOBAR configuration is that it only works with fighters with a high thrust-to-weight ratio, such as the Su-33 or MiG-29K, and thus limits the type of aircraft that can be operated from the carrier. It is not known

Ski-jump takeoff refers to any restrictions on maximum aircraft weight. According to some sources, the aircraft is expected to limit its weapons and fuel package to reduce the aircraft's launch weight to become airborne.

The Super Hornet takes off from a ski jump with a significant weapons load. The use of ski jumping may limit the ability to make rapid sorties on a STOBAR aircraft carrier.

Reminder That Russia's Only Aircraft Carrier Needs A Fucking Ramp

STOBAR carriers must maintain a speed of 20–30 kn (37–56 km/h) to achieve the required wind speed on deck, which is necessary to conduct flight launch operations.

As of January 2023, three countries currently operate STOBAR-type carriers; Russia and China are the only countries that have built a STOBAR ship for operation, while both India and China have purchased Russian-built STOBAR ships and converted them for their own use. India is in the process of putting its first indigenous aircraft carrier on extensive sea trials. StockExchange is a question and answer site for airplane pilots, mechanics and enthusiasts. It only takes a minute to sign up.

A Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov has an interesting feature: the edge of the runway is raised, which "pushes" the plane into the air during takeoff. Looking at the takeoff videos, the curved edge looks very natural.

Aircraft Carrier Catapult Vs Ramp

I think all US aircraft carriers have a completely flat deck like the USS Abraham Lincoln:

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Because the method of launching aircraft in these carriers is completely different. Ski-jump carriers, initially designed for RN Harriers (as already explained by @Simon), require the aircraft to take off under its own power.

On the other hand, their flights are launched from large flat-decked aircraft carriers via catapults (with one notable exception), which basically throw the aircraft off the deck. Although this system is heavy, expensive and complex, it brings significant benefits to the table:

With its four catapults, an American carrier can shoot down an aircraft every 15 seconds. Kuznetsov has only three runways. Moreover, the two bow tracks were not intended for fully loaded aircraft! They could only take off the Kuznetsov from one track starting far aft from the center ship, ie. One aircraft has to handle almost the entire flight deck! Compared to a catapult, the take-off rate of a ski ramp is at least two times lower.

As an exception, the USN operates carriers without ski jumps, but doesn't call them that - they're called amphibious combat ships and only operate VTOL aircraft like the F-35 Lightning II and V-22 Osprey.

Constraints Of Vikramaditya, Vikrant Make 3rd Carrier Vital: Ex Iaf Officer

The ramp design can be referred to as STOBAR (Short Take-off But Arrested Recovery) and is a very simple design to implement. However, complexity is pushed into the plane. As there is no catapult assistance, it is very difficult for the aircraft to take off from the given ramp at the end. This limits the types of aircraft that can be launched, typically fighter jets that already have high thrust-to-weight ratios or aircraft specifically designed for short take-off capabilities. Takeoff weight may be limited. An aircraft must still have an arresting hook for landing.

The catapult system can be referred to as Catobar (Catapult Assisted Take-off but Arrested Recovery) and it enables the launch of a very large range of aircraft. For example, CATOBAR carriers can launch larger aircraft such as the C-2 or E-2. These aircraft cannot take off from a carrier without catapult assistance and provide carrier resupply or AWACS capability. Fighter jets that can take off unaided can also be launched with a larger payload. However, this ability came at a cost. The aircraft should have reinforced landing gear to withstand catapult launches. The carrier is also made more complex, placing additional demand on the boiler or generator to provide the large amounts of steam or electricity needed to launch the aircraft. Modern US carriers are powered by nuclear power, which provides the energy needed for this system.

There are also practical considerations in aircraft carrier design. The ramp deck can be removed to park aircraft from available deck space. You can find many photos of CATOBAR carriers with aircraft parked in the bow area, which is difficult on a STOBAR carrier. A sloping deck on modern carriers still allows for the launch and recovery of aircraft on a CATOBAR carrier where the bow area is occupied. The ramp also reduces forward visibility for changing the carrier. On a CATOBAR carrier the flight deck must be designed to accommodate catapults, while on a STOBAR carrier only blast arresters need to be integrated into the deck.

Aircraft Carrier Catapult Vs Ramp

Think of the ramp as free lift with no maximum lift coefficient, so you can't stand still while using it and there's no induced drag.

Mod Confirm Aircraft Carriers May Be Fitted With Catapults

A very active question. Earn 10 reputation (including association bonus) for answering this question. Reputation is essential in protecting this question from spam and non-response activity.

By clicking "Accept All Cookies", you agree that Stock Exchange may store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. A Royal Navy Sea Harrier taking off from a ski jump on the deck of HMS Invincible in May 1990.

In aviation, a ski jump is an upward-curving ramp that allows an aircraft to take off from a runway that is shorter than the aircraft's required take-off roll. By forcing the aircraft up, lift can be achieved at an airspeed lower than that required for sustained flight, while allowing the aircraft to accelerate in the air rather than on the runway. Ski jumps are typically used to launch aircraft from aircraft carriers that do not have catapults.

The first use of a ski jump is believed to have been in World War II, where a makeshift ramp was attached to HMS Furious to help Heavy Boy Fairy Barracudas take off on an attack mission against the German battleship Tirpitz. During the Cold War, the concept was studied to reduce the length of the flight deck required for future aircraft carriers, as well as to facilitate increasingly heavy aircraft at sea. The Royal Navy took a particular interest in the ski jump in the 1970s and conducted a series of trials with the newly developed Hawker Sidley Harrier VSTOL fighter before deciding to include the feature on their next-generation aircraft carrier, the Invincible. -class , to unite. .

Graphics Show Differences In Carriers

Proving its operational value, several naval services have adopted the ski jump for their own aircraft carriers and amphibious assault platforms, but land-based uses have also been explored. Ski jumping can be used in two different procedures, i.e. short take-off but arrested recovery (STOBAR) and short take-off, vertical landing plane (STOVL); This relates to the operation of conventional and VSTOL aircraft respectively. Catapult-equipped aircraft carriers have become a minority in the twenty-first century, due to the reduced cost and complexity of ski jumping operations.

HTMS Chakri Narubet, a small Spanish-built Thai carrier with a ski jumping deck in the South China Sea in April 2001.

A fixed-wing aircraft must increase forward speed during a long takeoff roll. As forward speed increases, the wings produce greater amounts of lift. At high speeds, the lift exceeds the weight of the aircraft and the aircraft is capable of continuous flight. Since the plane must reach airspeed using only its own engines for power, a long runway is necessary to increase the plane's speed. On an aircraft carrier, the flight deck is so small that most aircraft do not reach flight speed until they reach d of the deck. Since the lift is less than gravity, the aircraft will lose altitude after the wheels leave the flight deck and possibly fall into the ocean.

Aircraft Carrier Catapult Vs Ramp

A ski-jump ramp on d of the flight deck angles the aircraft slightly upward, changing some of the aircraft's forward motion.

Aircraft Carrier Hi Res Stock Photography And Images

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